輕薄好拍~好時尚˙Canon IXUS 130 Is 開箱分享 (第1頁) - Canon數位相機 - Mobile01 ... 今年艾琳要去日本念書一年,挑台可靠的相機就很重要,在01裡爬了許多文章,最後只考慮Canon和Ricoh,因為自己比較 ... 中考慮過Ricoh CX serise和Canon的200 IS,不過男女大不同,所注重的產品屬性也差很多,就這樣130 IS意外中選~廢話不多說,以下 ...
Canon IXUS 130 / PowerShot SD1400 IS review: design, lens, screen, movies, sensor | Cameralabs Looking for an expert review of the Canon PowerShot SD1400 / IXUS 130? We've tested it head-to-head against its big rival at Sony. ... The controls on the rear are essentially unchanged from the older model, with the same button layout and three-way mode